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Plan Your Visit

Service times & Locations:

Sunday School:  Sunday Mornings at 9:30AM

Corporate Worship:  Sunday Mornings 10:30 AM


4275 Glenn Hi Road, Winston-Salem, NC, 27107


Current Sunday School Classes:

Babies and Toddlers 

Sundays -Room 117



Sundays - Room 112


K-5th grade

Sundays -Room 217


Samaritan's Class

Sundays - Room 206 

Lynn Parnell & Barry Hill

Young Adults

Sundays- Room 214​

Van Snow & Sarah Snow


Sundays- Parlor​

Olivia Laramore

Ambassadors' Class

Sundays - Room 212 

Jim Bryant

Ladies Adults

Sundays- Room 207

Shelee Taylor

Ola Sapp Class - Senior Adults

Sundays - Room 102  

Camelia Brown & Frankie Weavil

What To Expect

Using a blended worship style, we seek to engage everyone gathered in corporate worship.

The preaching of God's Word is essential to our meeting times, and we continue to grow in fellowship with one another and serving one another.


During this time in our world, we are back to meeting for Bible study and worship, while seeking to do our part to keep everyone as safe as possible.


This means: All our Bible Studies and Small Groups are meeting on a regular schedule.  Our worship is also meeting in our sanctuary every Sunday morning.


While we use a variety of instruments and methods to encourage Biblical corporate worship, we believe the most important one is that of the heart. We understand that music in worship can generate an environment that emphasizes response to God and His amazing Word, but it should never be the primary emphasis of our services.


Through the convergence of both ancient and modern, we believe in authentic, God-centered worship and its motivation to spur us on toward individual and corporate development.


We believe in the power of God's living, active Word, and so our teachings come from a Biblical foundation.


Sermons are typically both exegetical and expository in nature as opposed to topical, and the goal is to find applicable truths we can all put into practice weekly.


Authentic teaching will incorporate truth, real life, and God's transforming power through the work of the Holy Spirit.

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